Monday, April 1, 2019

Edward Snowden on FBI vs Apple

In a recent Tweet, Edward Snowden says that there are some crucial details in the FBI vs Apple case being obscured by the officials. Below you can find a list with Snowden’s conclusions:
1. The FBI already has all of the suspect’s communications records — who they talked to and how — as these are stored by service providers, not on the phone itself.
2. The FBI has received comprehensive backups of all the suspect’s data until just 6 weeks before the crime.
3. Copies of the suspect’s contacts with co-workers — the FBI’s claimed interest — are available in duplicate from these co-workers’ phones.
4. The phone in controversy is a government-issued work phone, subjected to consent-to-monitoring, not a secret terrorist communications device. The “operational” phones believed to be hiding incriminating information, recovered by the FBI during a search, were physically destroyed, not “shielded by Apple”.
5. Alternative means for gaining access to this device — and others — exist that do not require the manufacturer’s assistance.
Snowden’s conclusions were discussed on it’s Twitter account and some peoples concluded also that:

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