Friday, January 17, 2020

How do you stop a job from being postponed?
  1. Identify your important task(s)
  2. List your important task(s)
  3. Start on the easiest of your tasks, if there are several tasks you must complete. ...
  4. After you complete a task, scratch it off your list, it'll make you feel like you accomplished something. ...
  5. After every hour of work, stop, and take a ten minute break.

Main Khush Naseeb Ho Mujh Pe Karam Hussain Ka Hai

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

25 Ways to be Kind

25 Ways to be Kind
  1. Smile and make someone's day a little sweeter.
  2. Look for ways you can promote peace.
  3. Just listen.
  4. Offer a hug or embrace.
  5. Invite someone new into your friend tribe.
  6. Send out a kind email or card.
  7. Give someone a genuine compliment.
  8. Help clean up, without being asked, help someone out in a practical way

Sunday, January 12, 2020

One of the quickest ways to dispel the energy of a stormy mood is to focus your attention on what's good. So when you're about to lash out at someone, take a moment to do a quick inventory of five things you're thankful for in the moment.May 1, 2018
Image result for Thank yourself. ...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Regular cold showers help to reduce heat loss, decrease your core body temperature, and regulate your overall body temperature. Cold showers have been shown to help relieve symptoms of depression.Dec 25, 2018